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How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe

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Jacqueline Gubiani

You’ve heard the term, you’ve skimmed the articles, but you haven’t quite figured out what a capsule wardrobe is—or why you need one. Coined by Susie Faux in the seventies, a “capsule wardrobe” is defined as a closet consisting of built-in staples and everyday clothing necessities that never go out of fashion.

We’re here to show you how to create your own capsule wardrobe.

Why Do I Need One?

Your clothes are an investment: You want them to last. You may think a $15.00 tee is a steal now, but when it’s falling apart a few months later, you’ll wish you splurged on a good cotton counterpart that lasts much longer.

While you may scoff at the cost of a tailored pencil skirt, the point of spending a little more money on well-made pieces upfront is that you won’t have to buy their replacement for a significantly long time.

Your capsule wardrobe contains timeless high quality items that are versatile enough to wear with everything. These are the pieces you dress up with fun accessories and trendy items.

Declutter Your Closet 

Before you even begin creating this new wardrobe, you need to revamp your wardrobe.

Start by taking stock of the clothes you already have, the items you’re missing, and the ones you need to replace. This reorganized closet will be your base to build your capsule wardrobe. A clean closet reduces the time spent looking for clothes, overall clutter inside, and it gives you more time to spare getting dressed in the morning.

If you’re not sure where to start with cleaning out your closet, hire experts! The staff at a high end consignment shop, like Designer Swap, offer professional closet organization services, whose goal is to revitalize your closet and give you back an efficient clothing space.

Think About Your Lifestyle

A capsule wardrobe will look slightly different for everyone. If you work in a corporate environment, you’ll prioritize garments such as blazers, trousers, and pencil skirts as key capsule items. If you work in the creative industry, solid crafted jeans, good cotton t-shirts and blazers might make up more of the wardrobe.

Think about what your week looks like. Are you constantly attending events? Do you work from home? A capsule wardrobe is best planned by dividing your lifestyle into multiple outfit categories: fitness, work, and social outings. Consider which daily items you’d wear in each scenario. You’ll need dry-fit clothes for the gym; blouses and pants for work; good jeans for everyday errands; and heeled boots and loafers for drinks and dinner.

Once you’ve created your list, see which items intersect. Your blouse probably looks great with black jeans, while those heeled boots transition seamlessly from work to happy hour. The clothes in your capsule wardrobe are meant to move easily from one part of your day to another.

With your capsule wardrobe in place, you’ll have enduring, timeless pieces to pull again and again.

What’s in your capsule wardrobe? Let us know in the comments!

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Images courtesy: pixabay.com, unsplash.com

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